Sunday, June 2, 2013


This already short week was shortened even more by a snow day. (So much for spring in Ohio). We celebrated a tradition of my family this time of year. We read Rechenka's egg by Patricia Polacco.  Discovery education has a wonderful video that tells the story. It also shows Patricia Polacco making the special Ukrainian Eggs.

After sharing the story, I showed the children examples of finished eggs that I have made as well as other family members.  We discussed that some of the eggs take as much as 12 hours to create.


They got to feel the light weight feel of a blown egg as they passed a simply decorated egg between themselves.

I showed them eggs that demonstrate each step in the process of making these detailed eggs.  And explained how the kitska I use is similar to the authors but electric instead of held over a candle.


Each child took turns drawing a design on a hard boiled egg. I had written their names on them for them as well. We then dipped them is Paas dyes. They turned out great.

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